About me


My story

Hi, I’m Annie. Photographer, writer, babbler, artist, and music junkie. A sentimental mermaid who watches far too much embarrassing TV and believes The Legend of Billie Jean is a classic. A Midwesterner forever and one of those children of the 80’s raised on Saturday morning cartoons, Seattle Grunge, and Count Chocula.

I love to tell stories, capture moments, and play with colors. 

My bucket list overflows with wanderlust, I always fall for the snarkiest person in the room, and I can tell an enthusiastic story while balancing in Tree pose. I light up for Parisian pastries, upbeat macabre, Thoreau, long walks in strange cities, salty air, and moonlit swims.

Ready to collaborate?

Want to say hi, ask a question, or collaborate? I’d love to hear from you.

Black and white photo of flower in minimalistic style on the left side, and a Mary Oliver quote on the right side. Quote says: "Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it. Mary Oliver. Poet."