
With storytelling, you must engage your audience through a compelling narrative, to share your message or idea. 


Storytelling: Paris 20 Things

Using a combination of narrative and photography, shared the experience of visiting Paris for the first time. This was meant to encourage more people filled with wanderlust to visit the cities of their dreams.

20 Things: Paris 

The streets of Paris are a beautiful labyrinth of surprises. French sounds musical echoing down alleyways. The air has a sweet, light scent that pulls you around corners with curiosity.

The people were kind, interesting, and lively. Yet, nothing in Paris ever felt rushed. Maybe it is impossible to rush when everything is so incredibly beautiful around you. Maybe everyone is in a constant state of euphoria from eating such delicious food. Is it a butter coma? Do real cream and calories cancel out the need to get and stay angry?

The sunlight was extra golden, and the shadows were purple and stretched out in fantastic ways. There was so much history, but nothing felt old. Everything felt alive.